Dr. Dennis R. LaJeunesse

Assistant Professor of Biology

Room 231 Eberhart Building
336.256.1071 (Phone)



Current B.S. Students/Undergraduate Researchers

Erika Bowman, B.S. Biology, Anticipated Graduation 2004
Project: Phenotypic characterization of fragmented mitochondria (frag)

Amanda A. Pirt, B.S. Biology, Anticipated Graduation 2004
Project: Microscopic analysis of mitochondria morphology

Richard Kulesus, B.S. Biology, Anticipated Graduation 2002
Project: A Genetic Screen for Mitochondrial Morphology mutants in Drosophila visceral muscle cells.

Former undergraduate students

Stephanie Buckner, B.S. Biology 2002, Currently: Technician LaJeunesse Lab
Project: Genetic and biochemical characterization of mitochondrial morphology mutants.

Jeffery Lab, B.S. biology, 2001, Currently: Technician in LaJeunesse Lab
Project: Site-directed mutagenesis of scribbler, a novel modifier of Merlin phenotypes

Nicholas Trotter, B.S. Biology, 2001, Currently: Graduate School at University of Virginia, Department of Immunology and Microbiology

Charles Na, B.S. Biology 2002, Currently in Graduate school at The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biology

Graduate Students

Faith Jamshidi, anticipated M.S. Biology 2003.
Project: Genetic and cellular characterization of Scribbler Phenotypes