Syllabus: Elementary Latin I


Lat 101

Instructor: Linda Danford

Office: McIver 235 Tel. 334-5729

Hours: MWF 9:30-10 AM


TEXT: Course Pack ( can be purchased at Copy Postal One, 801 West Lee St.)

STUDENT LEARNING GOALS: By the end of the course student should be able to

1. Decline nouns, adjectives, and pronouns in all five declensions;

2. Conjugate regular verbs in all four conjugations, plus several irregular verbs, in all six tenses of the Active Indicative;

3. Show mastery of approximately 350 common Latin words

4. Demonstrate skill in reading and translating elementary passages of Latin such as those supplied in the text

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the connections between Roman and contemporary American society as well as a sensitivity to the cultural differences of these respective societies


Tests: There will be three unit tests given during the semester at approximately even intervals and announced at least one week in advance. (35% of final grade)

Quizzes: There will be short quizzes (5-10 minutes in length) given as often as two to three times per week. There will be no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz you will receive a zero. If you arrive to class late and the quiz has begun, you may take the quiz but you must hand it in with everybody else. If you arrive after the quiz has been handed in, you will not be allowed to take it. Your two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. (30% of final grade)

Final Exam: Cumulative (35% of final grade)


Attendance: Attendance in an introductory language course is extremely important. Poor attendance may result in your being dropped from the course. If you are going to be absent for more than one class for an extended illness or family emergency, please send me a message (email) to that effect.

Homework: It is very important to complete homework assignments on time. Sometimes we will correct them in class, sometimes they will be taken up, but they will not be graded. This is an important learning tool for which you must take responsibility yourself. It is necessary to plan at least one and preferably two hours of preparation time for each hour of class. If your schedule does not permit that kind of commitment, you may want to postpone your language requirement, alter your schedule, or settle for a lower grade.

Make-up tests: Make-up tests will only be given if you notify me of your expected absence on or before the day of the test by email or office phone. Do not call me at home.

Honor Code: Please make sure that you have read and understood the Academic Integrity Policy (it can be found at I will ask you to sign the Academic Integrity Pledge on all graded work.