Latin 102
Prof. Linda Danford
Office: McIver 235
Tel: 334-5729

Hours: MWF 9:30-10


TEXT: Course Packet Available at Copy Postal One-801 E. Lee St.

STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course students will be able to

    1. conjugate fully all regular and the most important irregular Latin verbs;
    2. decline all regular and the most important irregular nouns and adjectives;
    3. recognize and analyze Latin words in context;
    4. understand and use all basic Latin grammar, including the use of participles, infinitives, and subjunctives;
    5. read and translate elementary Latin texts;
    6. demonstrate an understanding of and sensitivity to the differences between ancient Rome and other cultures.


Tests-There will be three unit tests.

Quizzes-I quiz frequently, as often as once a week or more. At the end of the semester, two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Quizzes cannot be made up and latecomers will not be given extra time.

Final Exam- will be cumulative.

Homework-It is necessary to plan at least two hours of preparation for each hour of class. If your schedule does not permit that kind of commitment, you may want to postpone your language requirement, alter your schedule, or settle for a lower grade. Homework will be collected or corrected in class but will not be graded. Failure to do homework will result in a lower grade: Two points deducted from class participation grade for each missed assignment.


Attendance-Attendance in an introductory language class is extremely important. I take attendance daily and I expect students to be present for every class. Absences in excess of three will result in being dropped from the roll unless explained by a doctor's excuse, court summons, etc. All unexcused absences will be deducted (two points per absence) from your class participation grade.

Make-ups-Unit tests may be made up only if student notifies professor of expected absence on or before the day of the test. Send me an e-mail message or leave a message on my answer machine. Do not call me at home. Quizzes cannot be made up.

Grading-Final grades will be assigned on a 10 point scale and will be calculated according to the following scheme:

Class Participation---20%

Important Notice: You must have a final grade of C- or better in order to enroll in Latin 203 next fall.
