CSC340W - Software Engineering

Spring 2004

Instructor: Dr. Nancy Green


Course: CSC340W


Time:Tu/Th2:00-3:15 pm

Office Hours: Tu/Th3:30-4:30and by appointment

Room: 121 Bryan

Office: 322 Bryan

Department: Mathematical Sciences, 383 Bryan

Course web page:



Course Description

Course Policies


Course Resources

Course Description

Prerequisites:  Grade of at least C in CSC330 or equivalent (if transfer student), ability to perform CSC330-level programming in C++, ability to attend class regularly, and ability to participate in group project (ability to work in a team and to meet regularly with team outside of class, ability to write project deliverables in English and to communicate with team in English.).

Brief Description:  This course is an undergraduate-level introduction to the concepts and methods of software engineering.   Software engineering addresses the process of developing complex software systems that meet quality standards and are delivered within budget and on-time.  The student will learn about basic issues and concepts of software engineering, and apply one set of techniques (with an emphasis on object-oriented techniques) to a group software development project.  Class time will be spent on lectures, exercises, and/or project-related activities (see calendar below). The group project requires a serious commitment of time outside of class and includes both programming and technical writing.

Required textbook:  Project-Based Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Approach, by Evelyn Stiller and Cathie LeBlanc, Addison-Wesley, 2002.


Course Policies


Class attendance will be checked and you may be dropped from the course by the instructor if you miss more than five classes (unless class was officially cancelled due to winter storm, etc.).  When class time is provided for assignments and group meetings, you are expected to participate until the end of the class period; otherwise you may be counted as absent..

Class participation is strongly encouraged!  Private conversations and other activities not related to class are strongly discouraged.  You may be asked to leave if you are creating a disturbance; if so, you may be counted as absent that day!.

Collaboration on assignments (except for a group assignment) and exams (including make-up exams) is considered to be a violation of the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy.  

Late assignments will not be accepted unless otherwise specified in the instructions.

Group members are expected to meet with, cooperate, and communicate with the members of their group.  Consistent failure to do so may result in being expelled from the group by the instructor!

Missed exams may be made up if (1) the absence is excused by the instructor before the exam is graded, (2) appropriate written documentation (specified by the instructor when the excuse is approved) is provided when the exam is made up, and (3) the exam is made up by the date specified by the instructor for make up exams.  Note that it is the student's responsibility to satisfy these 3 conditions on-time. An exam that is not made up will receive the grade of 0.

Samples of student work (assignments and tests) may be shown to reviewers for departmental accreditation.



Homework Number (Due Dates on Course Calendar)

Writing or Coding

Group or Individual

Points (70 total)

HW1: Supported Activity List 




HW2: Implement and demo prototype user interfaces




HW3: Summary of feedback on prototype, Use Cases, or Scenarios




HW4: Class skeleton, compiled and documented

W, C

I (or pair)


HW5: Finish implementation of classes; demo with stubs/drivers




HW6: Integrate, test, and demo integrated system




HW7: Final written deliverables (user manual, demo slides, or UML diagrams)





Calendar (last updated: Mar. 18, 2004)

·  Administrative: Discuss course (web page), fill out questionnaire 

·  Lecture: Introduction, History of SE (including DFD), SW Lifecycle


Jan.21 is last day to drop course with refund

·  Lecture: Requirements - Elicitation Methods, Specification, Prototyping

·  Meeting with manager about project (overview)

·  Follow-up meeting with manager on project

·  Lecture:  Requirements - Use Cases, Scenarios, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams

·  Lecture: continued

·  HW1 due (may be turned in on Feb 3, but no later, due to bad weather this week)

·  Lecture: Requirements Verification and Walkthrough

·  Walkthrough HW1


Lecture: Product Design- Overview, User interfaces, State Machines

HW2 due Feb 12 (with demo) (postponed from Feb 10 due to bad weather),

feedback from manager on demo 



  Begin HW3 this week

·   Project manager goes over system design for project (DFD)

·  continue Product Design lecture

·  informal usability evaluation of old prototype UI

· HW3 due   (postponed from Feb 17)

·  Lecture: Class Design - Class Skeletons

ch. 5.1-5.2, 5.4


·  Lecture: Class Design - Interaction Diagrams 

Begin writing class skeletons (HW4)

·  Lecture:  Class Design continued

· In-class discussion of design of project

Test 1


Test 1 covers lectures and readings through ch.4 and assignments through HW3


(Spring Break this week)


(Mar. 17 is last day to drop course without academic penalty)

·         HW4 due (postponed from Mar 2 due to weather delays)

·         Lecture: Software Testing and Implementation (Integration) 


Class Design Review (v. 1)

ch. 7, 8

 Begin implementation of layer 1  and revised UI (HW5) this week

Groups meet during class time to pre-review v. 2 Class Design (attendance required)

Class Design Review (v. 2)

HW4-v.2 due


 Guest lecture on SWE in the real world (POSTPONED from 3/23 to ??)





HW5 due (with demo) (postponed from Mar. 30 due to postponement of HW4)

demos continued


 Begin integration of layer 1 and user interfaces (HW6) and final written deliverables (HW7) this week

Lecture: Project Management

  ch. 9 & SE articles


·  Lecture: how to demo

 Test 2 

 Test 2 covers lectures through ch. 5,7-9, SE articles)


(Last day of classes for Friday classes only)


Course Resources

UNCG Writing Center  


UNCG IRC Workshops (Powerpoint, Webpage Creation, etc.)     


Requirements Analysis and System Design (Maciaszek) 


Software Engineering (Sommerville) (used in CSC640)


Grammar Guide





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