University of North Carolina at Greensboro


                                              School of Health and Human Performance

                                              Department of Exercise and Sport Science


                                              HISTORY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES

                                                                       ESS 565

                                                                    Spring, 2001

                                            4:00-6:50 PM, Thursday, 347 HHP Building





Development of the Olympic Games movement in both the ancient world and the modern era.  Consideration of cultural, philosophical, political, economic, and performance perspectives.




Upon successful completion of the course each student will demonstrate knowledge of:


1.                  The historical development of both the ancient and modern Olympic Games.


2.                  The role and nature of the Games in ancient Greek society.


3.                  The factors surrounding the reinstatement of the games in the late 19th century.


4.                  The cultural, political, philosophical, economic, and performance dimensions in the historical evolution of the modern Olympic Games movement.


5.                  The controversy surrounding the current status and possible future of the Games.




Dyreson, Mark (1998).  Making the American team: Sport, culture, and the olympic experience.  Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.


Guttmann, Allen (1994).  The olympics: A history of the modern games.  Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.


Lenskyj, Helen Jefferson (2000).  Inside the Olympic industry.  Albany: State University of New York Press.








Dr. Richard A. Swanson, 252 Health and Human Performance Building.  Office Phone: 334-5999; email: ; FAX: 334-3238.


Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday - 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Tuesday, 9:00 - 11:00 AM; 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM





This course will be conducted on the basic premise that learning is a two way street.  In other words, a constant dialogue carried on between students and instructor will contribute to the most satisfying investigation of the subject.


The purpose of lectures will be to focus attention on specific topics and to lay a foundation for future class discussion.  The quality of class discussion will depend to a great extent upon the student’s acceptance of  responsibility for completing all assigned readings prior to class meetings.




This course will meet once each week for a period of 2 hours and 50 minutes and is the equivalent of three 50 minute class meetings on a normal three day per week basis.  Class attendance is encouraged as it is the only way of benefitting from the discussion of topics among students and faculty.  More than two absences during the semester will result in an administrative drop from the course.  Every effort should be made to inform the instructor in advance of any absence.




1.                  Graduate Students - Five brief papers (3-5 double-spaced pages each) on topics to be assigned periodically throughout the semester.  Undergraduate Students - Five brief papers as described above.  These will also be the basis of student-led seminars in selected class sessions.  The graduate papers and seminars will be evaluated on a more stringent scale regarding depth of analysis, presentation, etc.


2.                  Two take-home examinations, each covering approximately one-half of the course material, will be given.




Students are reminded that UNCG adheres to the Academic Honor Policy.  The complete text of the Honor Code may be found in the 2000-2001 Student Handbook.  The following statement with the student’s signature, must appear on each examination and research paper:







Topical papers (5) -      10% each = 50%        

Mid-term exam      -     20%

Final exam              -    20%

Class Discussion    -     10%




Baker, William J.  (1986).  Jesse Owens: An American life.  New York: Free Press.


Golden, Mark (1998).  Sport and society in ancient Greece: Key themes in ancient history.  Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.


Graham, Peter J. and Ueberhorst, Horst, ed. (1976).  The modern Olympics.  West Point, NY: Leisure Press.


Guttmann, Allen (1984).  The games must go on: Avery Brundage and the Olympic movement.  New York: Columbia University Press.


Guttmann, Allen (1994).  Games and empires: Modern sports and cultural imperialism.  New York: Columbia University Press.


Harris, H. A. (1964). Greek athletes and athletics. London: Hutchinson & Co.


Harris, H.A. (1972).  Sport in Greece and Rome.  London: Thames and Hudson.


Hill, Christopher R. (1996).  Olympic politics: Athens to Atlanta, 1896-1996.  Second edition.  Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press.


Jennings, Andrew (1996).  The new lords of the rings: Olympic corruption and how to buy gold medals.  London: Simon & Schuster.


Kieran, John and Daley, Arthur. (1952).  The story of the Olympic games: 776 B.C.-1952 A.D.  Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.


Kyle, Donald G. (1987).  Athletics in ancient times.  The Netherlands: E. J. Brill..


Lucas, John (1980).  The modern Olympic games.  Cranbury, N.J.: A. S. Barnes.


MacAloon, John J. (1981).  This great symbol: Pierre de Coubertin and the origins of the modern Olympic games.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 


Mandell, Richard D.  (1976).  The first modern Olympics.  Berkeley: University of California Press.


Mandell, Richard D.  (1971).  The Nazi Olympics.  New York: The Macmillan Company.


Miller, Stephen G. (1991).  Arete: Greek sports from ancient sources.  Second edition.  Berkeley: University of California Press.


Poliakoff, Michael (1987).  Combat sports in the ancient world: Competition, violence and culture.  New Haven: Yale University Press.


Pomeroy, Sarah (1975).  Goddesses, whores, wives and slaves: Women in classical antiquity.  New York: Shocken Books.


Segrave, Jeffrey and Chu, Donald, ed.  (1981).  Olympism.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


Seltman, Charles ().  Women in antiquity.  New York: St. Martin’s Press.


Senn, Alfred E. (1999).  Power, politics, and the olympic games: A history of the     power brokers, events, and controversies that shaped the games.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.


Swaddling, Judith (1980).  The ancient Olympic games.  London: British Museum Publications, Ltd.


Swanson, Richard A. and Spears, Betty (1995).  History of sport and physical education in the United States.  Fourth Edition.  Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark.


Sweet, Waldo E. (1987).  Sport and recreation in ancient Greece: a sourcebook with translations.  New York: Oxford University Press.