The Concept of Statistical Significance Testing, by Bruce Thompson. ERIC/AE Digest, Measurement Update, Vol. 4, No. 1, 5-6.
The Sacredness of .05: A Note Concerning the Uses of Statistical Levels of Significance in Social Science, by Skipper, Guenther and Nass. The American Sociologist, February, 1967, 16-18.
The Earth is Round (p < .05), by Jacob Cohen. American Psychologist, 1994, Vol. 49, No. 12, 997-1003.
The Case Against Statistical Significance Testing, by Ronald P. Carver. Harvard Educational Review, 1978, Vol. 48, No. 3, 378-399.
Proof? No. Evidence? Yes. The Significance of Tests of Significance, by Robert F. Winch and Donald T. Campbell. The American Sociologist, May 1969, 140-143.
Null Science: Psychology's Statistical Status Quo Draws Fire, by Bruce Bower. Science News, Vol. 151, June 7, 1997, 356-357.