CSC 589: Trusted Computing

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Paper Review Reports

Throughout this course you (graduate students only) will be given current research papers to read and review. In general, you will be given 2 weeks to read these papers and consider the results, and write a 1 page summary of each paper. The "1 page" length is not a set-in-stone amount -- you can go over that length (a little) if you need some extra space, but if you write something significantly less than a page then it's probably not providing enough information.

In your review, you should (briefly!) address the following issues:

  • What is the paper's main result and contribution?
  • Does the paper sufficiently support the conclusions? (or: are there any weaknesses in the paper?)
  • What new did you learn from this paper?
  • What problems or questions are left unsolved ("open problems")?
  • Are there additional directions for related future research that you can think of?
  • Identify a paper or two that would allow an interested person to explore this topic further (these can either be key references from the paper itself, or can be results of searches through research databases or the web).
In your review, remember that everything you write should be your own words -- don't copy any text (including conclusions) from the paper.