4th Annual Summer Workshop Series

May 7-9, 2018

Monday, May 7

Assessing Sensitive Topics in Surveys--Morning session


Researchers in social sciences often have to deal with sensitive topics. Randomized response techniques (RRT) can be used to reduce non-response and inaccurate responses.

We will cover the basic ideas of RRT methods for both binary and quantitative responses, and also discuss how RRT methods can be used to increase privacy.

Assessing Sensitive Topics in Surveys--Afternoon session


We will discuss practical implementation of RRT methods, including how to execute such techniques using Qualtrics. Attendees will be able to gain hands-on experience with designing online surveys using RRT. 

Instructors: Dr. Sat Gupta, Matt Jester
Course information

Tuesday, May 8

Introduction to Data Analysis Using R


Hands‐on introduction to using the R language for statistical analysis for those with little or no

Instructor: Dr. Scott Richter
Course information

Customizing Graphs Using R


We will discuss various options in R to customize graphs, and work through an example of changing default settings to satisfy specific journal requirements.

Instructor: Dr. Scott Richter
Course information


Wednesday, May 9


Power and Sample Size for Research Studies

This workshop will provide an introduction to the meaning and logic of power in research studies, and determining sample size required to achieve desired power.

Instructor: Dr. Scott Richter
Course information

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Contact Us

Quantitative Methodology Series

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
116 Petty Building
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

Scott Richter, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Director of Statistical Consulting Center

John Willse, PSY.D.

Associate Professor and Department Chair, Educational Research Methodology