Funding for PBT  projects are generated from donations, T-shirt sales, and sometimes grants.  These funds support and expand (when possible) the programs listed below.  In 2007 we were the beneficiaries of the benefit auction at the National Reptile Breeders' Expo in Daytona, FL. We thank the all organizers, vendors, and friends of PBT for their donations of items and/or time.

Because of federal budget cuts, much of the funds generated in 2007 will be used for the land lease program in 2008. The second priority areas are increasing the PIT-tagging and wetland restoration efforts for specific Southeastern populations. These sites are small (most only several acres in size), so what may seem like only a small amount of volunteer time can make a big difference.

Donations support:
1.  Conservation Lease Program - We lease land from farmers, so they receive some income from preserving the wetlands and the surrounding acreage (we do not require any land use changes).
2.  Wetland Restoration - Each year a team works on restoring selected sites.  As a result of the extreme drought in recent years, we will have a lot of brush to cut in the coming season.
3.  Survey and PIT-tagging Program - Each year PBT tags more turtles to prevent poaching. Your donations support the fieldwork of  PBT!
4.  Monitoring equipment and supplies for data collection.

All donations are so important to PBT.  We thank you so much for your support!"

Write checks payable to NC Herpetological Society and mail to:

Tom Thorp
Three Lakes Nature Center
400 Sausiluta Dr.
Richmond, VA 23227
Work: 804-261-8230

                                     The Turtles Thank You!