Happy Holidays!

This website is created for 1st graders so that they can explore and learn about different holidays that we celebrate.

By: Katie L. Lewis, Student Teacher, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Click on the following links to learn about the different holidays that we celebrate!


Do you want our Earth to look sick like this?  Explore "Recycle City", play the "Dumptown Game", and look for "Six Simple Things you can do to Help". Click below to find out about Earth Day.


 Excellent Earth Day Facts


What do you know about the 4 th of July? To find out more click on the follow link.

 Fun Fourth Facts


Once a year we celebrate Father’s Day.  Do you know when Father’s Day is? Click on the following link.

 Father's Day Fun

Some families celebrate Hanukkah. Does yours?

To find out more click on the following link.


Will spring come early or late this year?  Find out by clicking on this Groundhog Day link below.

 Groundhog Day Facts

Memorial Day is a very special holiday to many people.

To find out about Memorial Day click on this link.

 Memorial Day

Grandparent’s Day
Many people forget about this important holiday
but it is important! Click below.

Grandparent’s Day


Veteran’s Day

We celebrate the people who have served our country on this day.Click here to find out more.

 Veteran’s Day

Labor Day

Do you know why we celebrate Labor Day?

Click below to find out.

 Labor Day Facts

Everyday our moms take care of us but on one special day we take care of them.  To find out more about Mother's Day click on the link below.

 Mother’s Day Mania

Thanksgiving is one of America's favorite holidays.  To find out more information click on the link below. (Ask your teacher for help reading this website!)

Turkey Day Trivia

To read an ABC book about Thanksgiving click below.

 ABC Book

Teacher Page

Activities for the Students to do to go along with this topic page:

1.  Create a classroom ABC book with pages that talk about different holidays.  Write one sentence for each letter and draw a picture that goes along with the sentence.  Give each student two different letters to write sentences and draw pictures about.  Then combine all of the letters and make two different ABC books.  Read the books as a class and then put them in the class library.

2.  As the students explore the different holidays they should write down the names of the different holidays and the date on which they occur.  Give the students a page with a yearly calender on it and let them color in the days with holidays.  Instruct the students to make a key for their holidays.  For example, they might color in July the 4th red and then include this on their key.

3.  Ask the students to pick the holiday that they enjoyed learning the most about and instruct them to write several sentences about that holiday.  For example, they might include the date which it occurs, why we celebrate it, and how we celebrate it.  The students should then illustrate their picture.  Post these on the walls and then take them down and make a classroom book out of them.

Rationale for Using this Topic Page:

    This topic page is important because first grade students must learn about the different holidays that we celebrate.  The students must learn about these different holidays and what they represent so that they will understand the importance of them.  A lot of students do not comprehend that they are getting out of school on certain days for a reason.  This topic page was created so that the students will learn about the history of these important days.  Also, some of the holidays that were included will teach the majority of the students about how other students may celebrate holidays differently from them.

North Carolina Standard Course of Study:

Social Studies:

Goal 2: Individuals and families are alike and different.
Objective 2.2: Distinguish similarities and differences among individuals and families.

Goal 7: The learner will elaborate on religious and other cultural traditions in the community.
Objective 7.1: Identify religious and secular symbols associated with famous people, holidays, and special days.
Objective 7.2: Participate in classroom activities associated with special days and holidays in the community and other countries.
Objective 7.3: Cite reasons for observing special days and religious and secular holidays.


Goal 2:  Spatial Sense, Measurement, and Geometry - The learner will recognize, describe and identify simple geometric shapes and forms, and exhibit skills in using measurement.

Objective 2.10: Use calendar language appropriately, e. g seasons and months of the year, today, yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last month.

Computer Skills:

Goal 1:  The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.
Objective 1.4:  Identify the Internet as a source of information. (Telecommunications)

Goal: The goal of this topic page is to familarize students with some of the different holidays that we celebrate.

Essential Questions:
    What are some holidays that we celebrate?
    Why do we celebrate holidays?

Modifications for Diverse Learners:

1.  Pair lower level readers with higher level readers so that the higher level readers can help the lower level readers read.

2.  If the computer has a device that can read the words to the students allow slower readers to use this or students who are unable to see.

3.  For an ESOL student, be sure that they are paired with a high level reader.  Also, make sure that the student carefully studies the pictures on each website.

4.  The teacher may have to read some of the websites due to the advanced reading level.

Assessment Plan:
Use this rubric for assessing the students' work.  Explain to the students what each section means.
Rubric for Holiday Topic Page Project
Parts of the Assignments Needs Improvement
(6-7 Points)
(8-9 Points)
(10 Points)
On task time Student mostly stayed on task but had several problems. Student stayed on task but had one or two problems. Student stayed on task and did not have any problems.
Following Directions Student followed some directions but not all. Student followed most directions but did not follow one or two directions. Student followed all directions.
Correct Computer Use Student mostly used the computer properly but had several problems. Student used computer correctly but had one or two problems. Student used computer correctly all of the time.
Calender Activity Student correctly labeled some of the correct holidays but did not complete all of them. Student correctly labeled most of the correct holidays but did not label one or two. Student correctly labeled all of the holidays.
ABC Book Student did not complete all of the part of this activity such as the sentence and the drawing. Student completed most of the activity but did not write one sentence or draw one picture. Student completed all of the activity.
Holiday Story Student did complete the sentences required or the picture required. Student completed most of the activity but either left out a sentence or the picture. Student completed all of this activity.

Comments:                                                                                                  Total Points: