InvestigatorWanted: Investigator
An investigation of patriotic symbols & people
Topic Page designed for second graders
By:  Anna M. Mendez

Hi there!!! I have been told by your teacher you are great investigators.  I have a task for you.  I need to know what our patriotic symbols are and who these famous people are.  By clicking on the pictures below you will find information about these symbols and people in question.   There are some questions underneath of the pictures and a paper for you to write the answers down on.  Just click HERE for the paper and print it out. Hopefully by the end of the page you will be able to help me identify these symbols and people but also create your own new ones for our country! Have fun and remember, an investigator always keeps their eyes and ears open, Good luck!

American Flag

The American Flag

How many red and white strips are there?

Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

Why do people say it's bald? Does it not have hair?

Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell

When did the bell ring?

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

What is she holding?

Independence Hall

Independence Hall

Where is this building?

The White House

The White House

Who lives in this big house?

Who are these people?

President Bush
Do you know this man?

The First Lady

Who is this lady?

Vice President Cheney

Do you know him?

Mrs. Cheney

Who is this lady?

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