Machian positivism:

no relational principle or force is needed in science, just mathematical rules describing how the parts exist relative to one another
  • Elementalism (elementary sensations as fundamental elements of all natural phenomena)
  • Mach (1910) "Only in so far as we establish the dependence of the elements on one another and explore those connections, whose stability is determined by the elements, can we orient ourselves in the world . . . . [w]hat we call spatial and temporal order is abstracted from the behavior of elements".

    Instead science must be based on:

    Science as a solution to problems, not as a mirror of nature (science as technology)

    In Psychology

        Positivism rejects Wundt’s volitional approach
        (over) extends experimental method to all psychological phenomena
        emphasizes passive processes of association—intervening (black box) variables
        rejection of volition as too speculative, too foreign to physics

    Examples of Mentalistic Positivists----H. Ebbinghaus, E.B. Titchener

    Examples of Objectivistic Positivists--E. Thorndike, J. Watson, B. Skinner