Black Brothers
James Black (1)
James Black (2)


Records are incomplete as to how many brothers James Black had. Among Danford pictures are the following pictures of George Black, with indications in Adah Danford's hand that he was James' brother. Perhaps there were others.

"George Black James' brother"

Notation on reverse side: "Aunt Effie & Uncle George (brother of James) 50th wedding anniversary picture"

Was Harry a brother of James?

The reverse side of this photo bears the notation that may be "He B Black". The back is an ad for W. "Griffin, Art Photography, Cor. Third St. and Lincoln Ave. Hebron, Neb. The negative of this photograph is preserved for future orders and can be reduced for the smallest locket or enlarged to life size and finished in crayon, ink or water colors.

None but first-class work allowed to leave the studio.

Ground Floor Studio

Finest rooms and facilities in the West."