UNCG Tinnitus Clinic

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy:
A System for Tinnitus Management

    The UNCG Speech and Hearing Center now offers diagnostic and therapy services for patients suffering with Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
    While there still is no medical cure for Tinnitus, there is a new approach for managing Tinnitus. This approach is called Tinnitus Retraining Therapy or TRT.
    Patients are first seen for in depth assessment of their hearing and Tinnitus. From the test results, patients are placed into a TRT treatment category.
    Treatments for Tinnitus include directive counseling and sound therapies.

Information about Tinnitus can be found at the website of the American    Tinnitus AssociaItion.

Alma-Tedema's "Expectations"

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