Psy 378 Comparative Psychology (cross-listed as Psy 554) Spring 1997

Thursdays 4:00-7:00 PM

  Professor: George F. Michel                      Office Hours: M 1:00-3:00, T 3:00-5:00
E-mail:          Office: Byrne 422; Tele: 773-325-7887

Course Description:  
   An introduction to basic theories, concepts, and research in the modern study of animal behavior.

Course Objectives:
   Presentation of basic knowledge, terminology, and methodology of comparative psychology and ethology.
   Demonstration of the integration of the biological and psychological approaches to the study of animal behavior.
   Improve understanding of animal behavior and its relation to human behavior.

Required Textbook Goodenough, J., McGuire, B., & Wallace, R. (1993). Perspectives on animal behavior. New York: Wiley.

Course Outline:

Method of Evaluation:
Midterm Exam = 25%,   Final Exam = 35%,   Class Participation = 10%,   Journal = 30%

Journal Assignment:
   After each class, please enter information that addresses the following questions:
        1. Describe at least one bit of information from the discussion in class that was new to you;
        2. Describe at least one bit of information in the reading assignment that was new to you;
        3. Relate this new information to something that you had learned about in another course;
        4. Relate this new information to something that you had learned from the media (newspapers, radio, TV, movies).

   The journals will be collected periodically, so please bring them to class each time.
   (Failure to have your journal collected in class will result in the deduction of points from your journal mark).