Revised: 01/13/00
I. The Atmosphere's Composition & Structure

A. Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere

1) Primordial Atmosphere - derived from the solar nebula (existed for a short time frame)

2) Evolutionary Atmosphere - gases derived from the earth’s interior - outgasing; "purple sulfur bacteria" produced organic materials from inorganic elements (3.6 billion years ago)

3) Living Atmosphere - first photosynthesis by "blue-green algae" (3.3 billion years ago)

4) Modern Atmosphere - an abundance of life as a consequence of high levels of oxygen

B. Earth’s Present Day Atmosphere: Composition

Defn - Atmosphere - a thin envelope of gases that surrounds the earth. It is held to the earth by the force of gravity and moves with the earth as the earth rotates.

Gas % by Volume

Dry Air:

nitrogen (N2) 78.08%

oxygen (O2) 20.95%

argon (Ar): 0.93%

Trace Gases: He, Ne, Kr, Xe, Rn, H2

Water Vapor - a variable constituent of clean air

Other variable constituents of air (trace amounts):

C. Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere

(1) Pressure (weight of the overlying atmos.) changes with height

(2) Density - [mass per unit volume (m/v)] of the atmosphere decreases with height above the ground.

ht. above the ground;     fraction of atmosphere below

5.5 km (3.4 mi)                         1/2

11 km (6.8 mi)                         3/4

16.5 km (10.2 mi)                     9/10

32 km (19.9 mi)                        99/100

(3) Temperature - the atmos. can be classified by layers based on the average vertical temperature profile


Stratosphere: Mesosphere: Thermosphere: O2 + UV > O + O (3) Vertical Structure by Composition: