I. Climate Controls, Climate Patterns, Climate Classification

A. Climatic Controls

1. intensity of solar radiation and its variation with latitude
2. distribution of land and water
3. ocean currents
4. prevailing winds
5. positions of high- and low pressure areas
6. mountain barriers
7. altitude

B. Pattern of Global Temperatures 

·  In both hemispheres isotherms are oriented east-west reflecting the fact that locations at the same latitude receive nearly the same amount of solar radiation.

·  Additionally, the annual solar heat energy that each latitude receives decreases toward the poles; as a result, annual temperatures decrease toward the poles.

·  Isotherms (lines of constant temperature) bend along the coastal margins as a result of land water heating differences, ocean currents, and upwelling.  (E.g., along the west coasts of North and South America isotherms bend equatorward.)  [E.g., the area of the eastern North Atlantic (N. of 40 North) isotherms bend poleward due to the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift currents)

·  Because temperature changes are far less conservative over land versus large bodies of water, variation in temperature between summer and winter is far greater over continental interiors than along the west coastal margins of continents.  The climates of the interiors of continents are much more extreme, having (on average) higher summer temperatures and lower winter temperatures than their west coast counterparts.  West coast climates tend to be quite mild for their latitude.

·  The highest mean temperatures do not occur in the tropics, but instead in the subtropical deserts of the Northern Hemisphere as a result of subsidence associated with the subtropical high pressure cells.  The subsidence produces clear skies and low levels of humidity.  During the summer months the barren landscapes absorb significant amounts of insolation from the high sun which leads to very high temperatures.

·  The lowest mean temperatures occur over the continental interiors of the high latitudes.

·  The coldest area of the world is the Antarctic.  The extremely cold temperatures there result from the fact that during part of the year the sun is below the horizon, and during the part of the year when it is above the horizon, it is so low in the sky that it does not provide much heating to the surface below.  As a result the surface remains snow and ice covered.  The snow and ice reflect 80% of the sunlight that strikes the surface.  That which is not reflected transforms the ice and snow to water vapor.

·  The Antarctic’s low humidity and high elevation allows for strong radiational cooling during the dark winter months producing extremely cold surface temperatures.  The extremely cold Antarctic explains in part, why, overall, the Southern Hemisphere is cooler than the Northern Hemisphere.  Other contributing factors for a cooler Southern Hemisphere include the fact that there is less land area in the tropical and subtropical areas of the Southern Hemisphere.

C. Pattern of Global Precipitation 

·  Precipitation varies from place to place; however, certain regions stand out as being wet or dry.

·  Equatorial regions are typically wet, while the subtropics and polar regions are relatively dry.

·  The global distribution of precipitation is closely tied to the general circulation of the atmosphere and to the distribution of mountain ranges.

·  Precipitation is most abundant where air rises, and least abundant where it sinks.  As a result copious amounts of precipitation are expected in the tropics, along the polar front, and very little precipitation is expected near the subtropical highs and at the poles.

·  Because the major wind and pressure belts shift seasonally northward in July and southward in January, the area between the rainy tropics and the dry subtropics is influenced by both the ITCZ and the subtropical highs.

·  In the cold polar regions the air is so dry that there is little precipitation.  Any snow that does fall, however, remains on the ground because of the low rates of evaporation.

·  There are exceptions to the idealized pattern of precipitation.  E.g., in the middle latitudes the migrating position of the subtropical highs has an effect on the west-to-east distribution of precipitation.

·  The sinking motion associated with the anticyclones is more fully developed on the eastern sides.  Hence, the air along the eastern side of an anticyclone tends to be more stable; it is also drier, as cooler air moves equatorward because of the circulating winds around the highs.

·  Additionally, along coastlines, cold upwelling water cools the surface air even more, adding to the air’s stability.

·  As a result,, in the summer, when the Pacific high moves to a position off the California coast, a strong, stable subsidence inversion forms above coastal regions.  With the strong inversion and the fact that the anticyclone tends to steer storms to the north, central and southern California areas experience little if any rainfall during the summer months.

·  On the western side of subtropical highs, the air is less stable and more moist as warmer air moves poleward.  In summer, over the North Atlantic, the Bermuda high (the same high pressure system that gives NC hot, humid, and sunny summer weather) pumps moist tropical air northwards from the Gulf of Mexico into the eastern two thirds of the United States.  The conditionally unstable air is heated by the warm ground below and becomes even more unstable leading to the development of thunderstorms. 


D. Climate Classification


Defn: "weather"- the short-term condition of the atmosphere at any given time & place

Defn: "climate" - the consistent long-term, behavior over time - including its variability (its extremes)

Defn: "climatology" - the study of climate & climatic patterns

Defn: "climatic regions" - areas of similar climate - they contain characteristic regional weather & air mass patterns

1. Classification of Climatic Regions

a. "genetic classifications" - a type of classification that uses causative factors to determine climatic regions; e.g., one based on air mass dominance

b. "empirical classification" - a classification based on weather statistics – it’s used to determine general climate categories

(1) The "Koppen Classification Scheme" (it’s an empirical classification scheme, and one of the most commonly used and important classification schemes)

  • the criteria used to define boundaries are: mean monthly temperature, mean monthly precipitation, & mean annual precipitation
  • capital letters are used to designate the climatic categories:


A = Tropical moist climates (found in the equatorial regions)

·        All months have an average temp above 18 C (64 F) - no real winter

B = Dry climates: have deficient precipitation

·        Most of the year; POTET (potential evaporation) exceeds precipitation

C = Moist mid-latitude climates with mild winters 

·        These climates have warm-to-hot summers with mild winters. The average temp of the coldest month < 64 & > 27 F

D = Moist mid-latitude climates w/severe winters:

·        These climates have warm summers w/cold winters. The average temp of the warmest month exceeds 50 F; the avg. temp of the coldest month falls below 27 F

E = Polar climates: extremely cold winters & summers.

·        The avg. temp of the warmest month is below 50 F.  There is no real summer season.

H = Highland climates

Compared to lowlands at the same latitude, highlands have lower temperatures

Each of the above groups contains subregions that describe special regional characteristics, such as seasonal temperature & precipitation.  Lowercase letters are used to designate the subregions.


Af = tropical wet - wet all seasons

Aw= tropical wet & dry - winter dry season

To Summarize:

The First Letter = defined on basis of annual temp regime (from hot tropical, to cold polar (A,C,D,E)

Second Letter = characterizes moisture regime

3rd letter = for a, c, d - further subdivides the temperature regime


Example: the “Humid Subtropical Climate” (Cfa) -- hot summers, without a dry season (this is Greensboro’s climate designation according to the Koppen scheme)

·        Cfa climates have hot summers, their warmest month must be above 71.6 F (a)

·        Their coldest month must be above 32 F, but below 64.4 F

·        They have year round precipitation (f)
Humid subtropical hot summer climates (Cfa climates) are influenced by maritime tropical air masses generated over warm waters off eastern coasts.  This warm moist unstable air produces convectional showers over land.  In fall, winter, and spring, mT and cp air interact, generating frontal activity and frequent midlatitude cyclonic storms.  Overall precipitation averages 40-80 inches a year.
