Carolinian Immigrant Memory Project

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro




Project Mission [click here]


CIMP Archives Links

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CIMP Exhibits

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Carolinian Immigrant Memory Project


Description: The Carolinian Immigrant Memory Project documents the historical, social, political, artistic, and cultural experiences of Carolinian immigrants from colonial to contemporary times. The broad focus aims at preserving and disseminating historical texts, photographs, audio-visual records, and autobiographical accounts of immigrants in the Carolinas. The project rests on a research framework that connects short-range and long-range goals, which include the comprehensive retrieval, preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials that illuminate North and South Carolina’s immigrant legacy. The project presents for the first time a compilation of materials that have been accessible only piecemeal in publications, collections, and exhibits in the public domain. CIMP aims at integrating the latter into the region’s mainstream cultural tradition to reflect the inclusive and diverse social history of the American South East.


Right: Photograph of a child of German-Jewish immigrants in Eastern North Carolina before the turn of the 20th century. Exhibit at the Greensboro Historical Museum (USA 2002)



Visit Immigration Museums, Migration and Genealogy Research Centers

[click here]

Show where you came from. Create web links to foreign countries and communities

[click here]

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2005 Prize Essay Contest: “My Life before and after Coming to the Carolinas”

[click here]

CIMP Bulletin and

Discussion Board

[click here]

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Send copies of your migration photographs, videos or tapes

[click here]

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Write about your immigrant experiences and memories

[click here]

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Carolinian Immigrant Memory Project

Andreas Lixl, PhD. Professor of German, and Head [Resume and Biography]

Department of German, Russian, and Japanese Studies (GAR)

College of Arts and Sciences

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)

UNCG Office: 337 McIver Building

Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

E-Mail: andreas_lixl @  Tel.: 336-334-5427 and Fax: 336-334-5885

January 2005