UNCG German Studies

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Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts

Deutsche Autobiographien, Tagebücher, Bilder und Briefe

An Intermediate German Cultural and Literary Reader

Andreas Lixl-Purcell

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Fort Worth 1990
ISBN 0-15-529592-6

Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts 1888-1990 is a German Studies textbook for intermediate or advanced intermediate courses with an emphasis on language, literature, culture, conversation, and composition. Thirty-six documentary texts, such as autobiographies, journals, memoirs, and letters, offer students an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary studies and classroom discussions. The selections, many never before published, give a personal view of major historical events, including the opening of the Berlin Wall. The book includes vocabulary glosses, grammar exercises, conversation and composition topics, and more than 100 historical illustrations. A chronology at the beginning of each chapter lists major political, social, and artistic events of the period. Review and expansion exercises emphasize oral and written reports on various topics, including biography, geography, art, science, and German cultural history.


Introduction. Autobiography as a Learning Tool

Chronology 1888-1914

Chronology 1914-1922

Chronology 1923-1933

Chronology 1933-1945

Chronology 1945-1968

Chronology 1969-1990

Selected Bibliography



Autobiography as a Learning Tool

Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts 1888-1990. Deutsche Autobiographien, Tagebücher, Bilder und Briefe is designed as an illustrated textbook for German conversation and composition courses above the elementary level. The purpose of the textbook is to advance oral and written proficiency in the foreign language, and to deepen the knowledge of central European cultural history over the last hundred years. Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts 1888-1990 presents a collection of recollections by musicians, artists, writers, architects, film-makers, politicians, and critics. Each chapter offers an other perspective, a different voice, and a personal view of history. The anthology is based on autobiographical documents and historical images that illuminate a broad cultural horizon beginning with the Hohenzollern Empire and ending with post-modern developments east and west of the wall.

With communicative and interpretative competence being the goal, Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts offers an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary study with a specific focus upon the Liberal Arts. The textbook contains 36 German reading selections and a catalog of illustrations that allow for great flexibility in accommodating readers with varied proficiencies and interests. Placed within a historical and humanist environment, the chapters encourage interactive classroom discussions and oral presentations.

To provide students with intermediate and advanced level vocabulary, all chapters start with a pre-reading apparatus to set the stage. A "Chronology" at the beginning of each period part lists the major scientific, political, social, and artistic events to help readers better understand the context of the readings. Short English introductions orient about key figures and background references mentioned in the chapter, and outline the various developments of German cultural history. Glossaries called "Bausteine"and "Vokabel" before and after each reading separate active from passive vocabulary, and accommodate the average student's frequent use of a dictionary. As a lead-in to post-reading discussions, the exercises are designed to generate classroom conversations and oral presentations. Exercises entitled "Fragen", "Konversation", and "Komposition"check discrete textual items as well as global comprehension, and as such encourage students to draw their own conclusions. In order to contextualize the photographs, and to make references to illustrations pedagogically useful, short conversational "Übungen" follow most of the catalog images. Expansion exercises such as "Kurzreferate" and "Autobiographische Berichte" emphasize biographical research and writing.

Based on the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural range of 20th-century memoir literature, the genre of autobiography offers a unique tool for the acquisition of both, primary language skills and historical knowledge. The broad span of subject matter exposes the reader to a humanist environment that presents the study of foreign cultures and traditions as an integral component of modern liberal arts education. By incorporating memories from three generations, Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts invites readers to trace their own experience and understanding of history, and to engage in critical reading, thinking, and writing.

Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts 1888-1990. Deutsche Autobiographien, Tagebücher, Bilder und Briefe is divided into six parts which focuses on consecutive periods of modern German history.

I. Life in the Monarchy 1888-1914

I I War, Revolution, Inflation 1914-1922

I I I. Memories of Weimar Germany 1923-1932

IV Fascism, Holocaust, Exile 1933-1945

V. Between Reconstruction and Rebellion 1946-1968

VI. Voices from East and West 1969-1990

Although the 36 chapters of Stimmen eines Jahrhunderts proceed along historical lines and thus reconstruct the changing cultural assumptions of consecutive generations, the individual chapters form autonomous pedagogical units and can be treated independently. Texts and photographs are based on published autobiographical material and original archive documents. The following libraries and museums have been contributed materials: The Deutsches Literaturarchiv (FRG), the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (FRG), Akademie der Künste der DDR (GDR), the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam, the Yad Vashem Archives, the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Leo Baeck Institute in New York.

UNCG German Studies

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