NCUSFA Newsletter Fall 94'

For this season, the North Carolina Division has new officers.

Craig Harkins is the new division chair. Craig fenced in Atlanta before joining the UNC Chapel Hill fencing team in 1990. Craig participated in the 1993 NCAA National Championship. He is currently an assistant coach at UNC Chapel Hill, and involved with t he North Carolina Fencing Development Program.

Ned Light is the new division vice-chair. Ned has been fencing for nine years. He was a member of the Duke fencing squad 1985-89', and has since been an assistant coach at Duke. Ned is also involved in the North Carolina Fencing development program, and c oaches a student run club at the North Carolina School of Science and Math.

Joanna Meyers is the new division secretary. Joanna was an armorer for the UNC Chapell Hill fencing team from 1991-1994. She is experienced at setting up and organizing tournaments, including the 1993 SE sectionals held in Chapel Hill, NC.

Bill Zevin is the only returning officer, and is the treasurer. Bill has been involved with fencing for over eighteen years. While he started in Connecticut, Bill fenced on a high school team in New Jersey, and on the Ohio State fencing team. Bill moved t o Florida in 1983 and served in various executive capacities before becoming chairman for four years as well as coaching junior fencers. Bill moved to North Carolina in 1992, and started as division treasurer in 1993.

All of the officers can be reached by e-mail. Craig and Joanna share an account, . Ned's account is . Bill can be reached at scaramouche@VNET.IBM.COM .

Included in the newsletter (but not in this archive M.T.) are a posting of the new rules for 1994. Please note that salutes are manditory before and after every bout. The time for five touch bouts is now 4 minutes, with no 1 minute warning. The fen cer is not allowed to stop the bout to ask the remaining time. The other rules are self explanitory.

The division officers have come up with two major goals for the North Carolina division to meet. First, we would like to increase the state wide participation in the sport of fencing. Not only do we want to increase the actual membership, we want to foste r cooperation between the various groups within the state. To meet this goal, we have spread out the competition sites, and we have included three dry foil meets (thanks to the Delta H club and the club at UNC-Greensboro). While the majority of the tourna ments are in Chapel Hill, the Junior Olympic qualifiers are in Mt. Airy, and the Divisional Qualifiers are in Greensboro.

Our second goal is to promote women's sabre. All the competitions run by the NC-USFA will include women's sabre. This includes both the JO and Divisional qualifiers. We believe that by increasing local participation in women's sabre, we can gain national and international recognition for these fencers quicker. Women's epee is now recognised as an Olympic sport (and NCAA), we need to push for women's sabre as well.

We have included a copy of the schedule for the Division. Fees for tournaments will be $8 for juniors, $10 for seniors, and $5 for an entry for a second weapon for the same tournament. The only exception will be for the JO and Divisional qualifiers. We re quire pre-registration for both these events. The pre-regisration price is the same as above. Regisration must be recieved one full week before the competition (i.e. December 4 for JO's, March 11 for Divisionals). Regisration the day of the competition wi ll be $15 for all fencers, and no discount for participating in a second weapon. Send the fee and a letter including your full name, USFA number, which weapon(s), weapon classification, address, and club affiliation to:

			Ned Light
			3 Lauren Lane
			Durham, NC 27704
			(919) 477-0979

Remember the regisration must be recieved one full week before the competition to get the discount.

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