NCUSFA Newsletter

Jan. 1995

Craig Harkins, Division Chair              Ned Light, Vice-Chair
	815 Emory Drive                                    3 Lauren Lane
	Chapel Hill, NC 27514                           Durham, NC 27704

Bill Zevin, Treasurer                          Joanna Meyers, Secretary
	4341-103 Furman Hall                           H9 Highland Hills Apts.
	Raleigh, NC 27612                                Carrboro, NC 27510

Welcome to 1995! We hope that everyone had a pleasant and not too hectic holiday season. We're ready to get 1995 going and have a few tournament announcements to make.

The Junior Olympic Qualifers went well, despite some last minute venue changes, and we want to thank all of you who competed for making it a good tournament. Special thanks go out to Linda Marsh and her crew at the Delta H club for their efforts. We are p leased to congradulate the following fencers who have qualified to compete in San Jose:

We want all members of the NC Division to compete in other local/regional competitions. It's always helpful to go out-of-state to see new styles and meet others involved in our sport. To help faclilitate this, we added regional events to the updated event s calander. Names and phone numbers of the contact person have been included where possible. Also note that the Atlanta events tend to be high-level -- usually being 'B' competitions or higher.

For those of you with on-line access. We would like to remind you that the usenet group '' is a good place to hunt for tournament announcements, armoring tips, and general discussion on the sport of fe ncing. Also, we can be reached by our e-mail addresses. Craig Harkins and Joanna Myers can be reached at "" Ned Light at "" and Bill Zevin at ""

Thank You all very much for a good 1994, and let's work for a great 1995!

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