;;; mylisp - Lisp Study Lab 1 - Introduction to Lists in LISP ;;; Copy this file to your own directory. ;;; Follow the instructions on the course page for running ;;; lisp while in the emacs editor. ;;; Try evaluating each of these expressions by placing the ;;; cursor to the right of the expression and typing ;;; control-x control-e. By the end of this course, you ;;; should be able to figure out what each expression evaluates ;;; to without running lisp!! '(a b c) list0 (setq list1 '(aa bb cc)) list1 (car list1) (cdr list1) (car (cdr list1)) (cdr (cdr list1)) (car (cdr (cdr list1))) list1 (cons 'new list1) list1 (setq list2 (cons 'new list1)) list2 (list 'e 'f) (setq list3 (list (list 'e 'f) (list 'g))) list3 (car list3) (cdr list3) (car (cdr list3)) (car (car (cdr list3))) (cdr (car (cdr list3))) (append list2 list3) (append list2 nil) (append '(a) '(b c)) (setq list4 '(a b c d)) (length list4) (reverse list4) x (quote x) 1 (1) '(1) (+ 1 2) '(+ 1 2) (eval '(+ 1 2))