CSC540 - Information Visualization Assignment
(30 points)

Find a user interface that makes use of information visualization.  Check with me beforehand for approval of your choice.  A good starting point is to go to the links on the On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments (OLIVE).  Also, there are some good books on reserve for CSC540 on information visualization.

Prepare a 15 minute presentation on it including a live demo (preferably) or screen shots (if no live demo is possible).  Use Power Point for the information that you will be giving other than the demo.  Bring a floppy disk to class containing your Power Point slides. Turn in a copy of your slides (on paper) before your presentation and your floppy disk at the end of the presentation.  The slides should include information on how to find/run the interface.  If you prefer to do a written report, see me for instructions; it will require more writing than the in-class presentation and will be due BEFORE the in-class presentations (so that I can present the information to the class for you).

In your presentation, you should cover these points:

If you are a graduate student, find additional information about the interface (on the authors' web pages, journals, conference proceedings, etc.).   Include information from this source in your presentation.   (Be sure to give a reference to the source or sources.)