CSC 589 Reading List

Spring 2001

Conversational Agents

Cassell, Justine, "More Than Just Another Pretty Face: Embodied Conversational Agents".  CACM, April 2000, 70-78. [PDF]

Gratch, J. and Marsella S. Tears and Fears: Modeling Emotions and Emotional Behaviors in Synthetic Agents. Proceedings of  the 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Agents 2001. [PDF]

Johnson, W. L., Rickel, J. W., and J. C. Lester, "Animated Pedagogical Agents: Face-to-Face Interaction in Interactive Learning Environments". International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 11:47-78, 2000. [PDF]

Elliott, Clark and Jacek Brzezinski, "Autonomous Agents as Synthetic Characters," AI Magazine, Summer 1998, 13-30.

A. Bryan Loyall, "Believable Agents: Building Interactive Personalities," Ph. D. Thesis.  Technical Report CMU-CS-97-123. [pdf]

Interactive Drama

Mateas, Michael, "An Oz-Centric Review of Interactive Drama and Believable Agents".  School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.  June 1997.  Technical Report CMU-CS-97-156. [html]

Marsella S., Johnson, W.L., LaBore, K. "Interactive Pedagogical Drama." Proceedings of  the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Agents 2000. [PDF]

Narrative in Computer Games

Marie-Laure Ryan, Beyond Myth and Metaphor: the case of narrative in digital media, Game Studies, The international journal of computer game research, issue 1, july 2001. [here]

Computer Graphics for Animation

3 papers from CACM, v.43, no. 7 (Jy2000) special issue on physically based computer animation:
    Funge, J.  Cognitive Modeling for Games and Animation. pp. 40-48.
    Hecker, C.  Physics in Computer Games. pp. 34-39.
    Popovic, Z.  Controlling Physics in Realistic Character Animation.  pp. 50-58.


Lombard, Matthew and Ditton, Theresa,  "At the Heart of it All: The Concept of Presence," Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 3(2), September 1997. [html]

Camera Control

William Bares and James Lester, "Intelligent Multi-Shot Visualization Interfaces for Dynamic 3D Worlds."  Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 119-126.  [ps]

William Bares, Joël Grégoire, and James Lester.  "Realtime Constraint-Based Cinematography for Complex Interactive 3D Worlds," Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1101-1106.  [ps]

Evaluation of Multimedia Systems

Mallon, Bride and Brian Webb, "Structure, causality, visibility and interaction: propositions for evaluating engagement in narrative multimedia," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2000) 53, 269-287.  [Available at UNCG from]

Roxana Moreno and Richard E. Mayer, "A Learner-Centered Approach to Multimedia Explanations: Deriving Instructional Design Principles from Cognitive Theory,"  Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning (2000) 2:05. [Available on-line at]

On Reserve

Embodied Conversational Agents, J. Cassell et al., eds., MIT Press, May 2000.

From Barbie to Mortal Kombat, J. Cassell and H. Jenkins, eds., MIT Press, 1998.

Hamlet on the holodeck : the future of narrative in cyberspace, Janet H. Murray, New York: Free Press, 1997.

Other Resources

Virtual Worlds and AI in Games

AAAI Spring Symposia on AI and Interactive Entertainment  200120001999

AI and Games Course at U Mich taught by John Laird

AI & Virtual Worlds course, NCSU

Using Technology and Innovation to Simulate Daily Life, Michael Macedonia, IEEE Computer Web Site.  Review of the SIMS.


Kids MUSHs

Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters

OZ Group (CMU)


Synthetic Characters (MIT Media Lab)

REA (MIT Media Lab)

Steve (ISI)

Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Games

Andes Physics Tutor

Atlas Physics Tutor


Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science (E-GEMS)

Intellimedia (NCSU)