Instructions for Design Document -- CSC640, Fall 2003

This describes the contents of the Design Document, how to submit your work, and resources that might be helpful. (Note: page numbers, figures, etc. below refer to textbook.). This information replaces the information given out at the beginning of the semester.  The work has been divided into 6 task units, one for each group member (see below). This document defines the system architecture, i.e., the decomposition into subsystems (3 layers) and the interfaces between them, but does not cover the design within each layer.

Description of Contents



Submission Instructions

All work should be submitted in two forms: on paper and on-line.  Here are the specific instructions for each medium:

Paper: Each person should have done the work described as one task unit (see instructor).  Turn in a paper copy of the work that you did for your task unit with a single cover page stating your name, project name, date, and the contents of your task unit. Fasten (stapled or paper clipped) all the sections of your task unit together. Turn in each person’s work separately.  It is important to follow these instructions so that you get proper credit for your work!

On-line: The on-line version of the Design Document will be created using the Design Table of Contents web page similar to how you submitted the Requirements on-line. (Note that all the files containing written English, diagrams, or screen shots must be in PDF format.) Remember that students can access the folder from off-campus using NetStorage. I will check the Design TOC web page 30 minutes before the beginning of class on the due date.


The University Writing Center offers all UNCG students free, individual assistance with planning,
writing, or revising papers for any course.

Writing Reference Materials

·  Guide to Grammar and Writing

·  Yale University Web Style Guide

 UML Reference Materials

·  Borland UML Guide (Borland)

·  UML Quick Reference

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