Instructions for Implementation Deliverables v. 1 -- CSC640, Fall 2003

This describes what to do and how to submit version 1 of the implementation deliverables. Note: Version 1 (unit tested code) is due on Nov. 12, and version 2 (final version of code) is due on Dec. 3.  Version 1 should be a complete compiled, unit-tested (but not integrated) implementation of release 2 features of the code, and any drivers or stubs that you created to perform unit testing.   Version 2 contains a complete compiled, integrated, running system (release 2 features). See the course web page for information on how the implementation will be graded.



·        Version 1: Your group should have designed the system architecture so that classes can be implemented and unit tested by each student alone without depending on other students in your group. Remember that only one student can get credit for a class (see Grading information about implementation deliverables on course web page). For example, your 6-person group has divided the product into 2 classes in each of the 3 layers.  Assuming that the classes are the same length and complexity, then you would assign each person one class to implement.  For version 1 each person implements his/her class or classes and creates additional code, drivers and stubs, to enable him/her to thoroughly test his/her class/es.  (A driver is a test program that shows that the class works by calling all of its methods with test arguments. Stubs are fake methods or objects that you create to enable your code to be partially tested independently of the other classes that your class uses.)  Each person will turn in, individually, for one task unit of credit:

o       Classes implemented: C++ source code for each class, with comments fully documenting the class as a whole and each method and major data structure (public and private). Do not turn in any code that does not compile or that does not work with the drivers and stubs that your turn in! You may only receive credit for code that does compile and that does pass unit testing!

o       Drivers implemented: any C++ source code used as drivers for your class(es), with header comments documenting what class it is used to test and with in-line comments documenting test case arguments and expected results

o       Stubs implemented: any C++ source code used as drivers for the class with header comments documenting what classes the stub is used as a substitute for

·        Version 2: To create this version, your group will integrate the unit-tested (version 1) code (without drivers and stubs). No new functionality will be added; only bug fixes will be made.  If unit-tested code cannot be fixed and integrated in time for the delivery date then stubs and drivers may be used at the demo and the missing units will not receive credit for version 2.


Submission Instructions for version 1

All work should be submitted in two forms: on paper and on-line.  Here are the specific instructions for each medium:

Paper: Each person should have written, compiled, and tested the code described above as one task unit.  Turn in a paper copy of your task unit with: a single cover page stating your name, project name; a second page listing the classes and related drivers and/or stubs and brief instructions on how to compile and run the code; followed by the code listings.  Fasten (stapled or paper clipped) all the sections of your task unit together. Turn in each person’s work separately.  It is important to follow these instructions so that you get proper credit for your work!

On-line: The on-line version of each person’s version 1 deliverables should be put in a subfolder called <yourname>-v1 under the folder for your group called Implementation-v1. For example, a student named N. Green would turn in her work in a folder called NGreen-v1. You should copy anything (classes you wrote and drivers and/or stubs) into your subfolder that I would need to compile and run your unit code.  I may try compiling and/or running your code to verify that it is unit-tested.  (Remember that students can access the folder from off-campus using NetStorage. I will check the folder 30 minutes before the beginning of class on the due date.) 


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