#ifndef GRAPH_CLASS #define GRAPH_CLASS #include #include #include // set class #include // ist classmap class #include // vector class #include // list class #include // stack class #include // queue class #include // less #include "d_except.h" // exception classes #include "d_pqueue.h" // miniPQ class // largest positive integer on the machine const int INFINITY = (int)((unsigned int)~0 >> 1); using namespace std; class neighbor { public: // index of the destination vertex in the vector vInfo of vertex // properties int dest; // weight of this edge int weight; // constructor neighbor(int d=0, int c=0): dest(d), weight(c) {} // operators for the neighbor class that compare the // destination vertices friend bool operator< (const neighbor& lhs, const neighbor& rhs) { return lhs.dest < rhs.dest; } friend bool operator== (const neighbor& lhs, const neighbor& rhs) { return lhs.dest == rhs.dest; } }; // maintains vertex properties, including its set of // neighbors template class vertexInfo { public: // used by graph algorithms enum vertexColor { WHITE, GRAY, BLACK }; // iterator pointing at a pair object in the vertex map map::iterator vtxMapLoc; // set of adjacent (neighbor) objects for the current vertex set edges; /// maintains the in-degree of the vertex int inDegree; // indicates whether the object currently represents a vertex bool occupied; // indicate if a vertex is marked in an algorithm that traverses // the vertices of a graph vertexColor color; // available to algorithms for storing relevant data values int dataValue; // available to graph algorithms; holds parent which is // a vertex that has an edge terminating in the current vertex int parent; // default constructor vertexInfo(): inDegree(0), occupied(true) {} // constructor with iterator pointing to the vertex in the map vertexInfo(map::iterator iter): vtxMapLoc(iter), inDegree(0), occupied(true) {} }; // priority queue data used by minimumPath() and minSpanningTree() algorithms class minInfo { public: int endV; int pathWeight; friend bool operator< (minInfo lhs, minInfo rhs) { return lhs.pathWeight < rhs.pathWeight; } }; template class graph { public: class const_iterator: public map< T, int >::const_iterator { public: const_iterator() {} // converts a map iterator to a graph iterator const_iterator(map::const_iterator i) { *((map< T, int >::const_iterator *)this) = i; } // return the vertex pointed to by the iterator const T& operator* () const { map::const_iterator p = *this; return (*p).first; } }; typedef const_iterator iterator; graph(); // constructor. initialize numVertices and numEdges to 0 graph(const graph& g); // copy constructor graph& operator= (const graph& rhs); // overloaded assignment operator int numberOfVertices() const; // return the number of vertices in the graph int numberOfEdges() const; // return the number of edges in the graph bool empty() const; // is the graph empty? int getWeight(const T& v1, const T& v2) const; // return the weight of the edge (v1, v2). if the edge. // does not exist, return -1 // Precondition: v1 and v2 are vertices in the graph. if not // the function throws the graphError exception void setWeight(const T& v1, const T& v2, int w); // update the weight of edge (v1, v2). // Precondition: v1 and v2 are vertices in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception // Postcondition: the weight of vertex (v1,v2) is w int inDegree(const T& v) const; // return the number of edges entering v. // Precondition: v is a vertex in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception int outDegree(const T& v) const; // return the number of edges leaving v. // Precondition: v is a vertex in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception set getNeighbors(const T& v) const; // return a set containing the neighbors of v. // Precondition: v is a vertex in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception void insertEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2, int w); // add the edge (v1,v2) with specified weight to the graph. // Precondition: v1 and v2 are vertices in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception // Postcondition: The number of edges increases by 1 void insertVertex(const T& v); // insert v into the graph. // Precondition: v is a vertex in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception. // Postcondition: the number of vertices increases by 1 void eraseEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2); // erase edge (v1,v2) from the graph // Precondition: v1 and v2 are vertices in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception. // Postcondition: The number of edges decreases by 1 void eraseVertex(const T& v); // erase v from the graph // Precondition: v is a vertex in the graph. if not, // the function throws the graphError exception. // Postconditions: The number of vertices decreases by 1, // and the operation removes all edges to or from v void clear(); // remove all the vertices and edges from the graph iterator begin(); iterator end(); const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; // iterator functions returns corresponding map iterator // "d_galgs.h" implements the graph algorithms using inline code. // this is necessary for the Borland C++ 5.5 compiler #include "d_galgs.h" /* LISTING OF THE PROTOTYPES FOR THE GRAPH ALGORITHMS friend istream& operator>> (istream& istr, graph& g); // input a graph friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const graph& g); // output a graph friend set bfs(graph& g, const T& sVertex); // perform the breadth-first traversal from sVertex and // return the set of visited vertices friend int shortestPath(graph& g, const T& sVertex, const T& eVertex, list& path); // use the breadth-first traversal algorithm to determine the // minimum number of edges in any path from sVertex to eVertex // or -1 if no path exists. if a path exists, the list path // is the sequence of vertices friend int minimumPath(graph& g, const T& sVertex, const T& eVertex, list& path); // find the path with minimum total weight from sVertex to eVertex // and return the minimum weight friend int minSpanTree(graph& g, graph& MST); // find the minimum spanning tree for the strongly connected digraph g friend bool acyclic(graph& g); // determine if the graph is acyclic friend void dfsVisit(graph& g, const T& sVertex, list& dfsList, bool checkForCycle); // depth-first visit assuming a WHITE starting vertex. dfsList // contains the visited vertices in reverse order of finishing time. // when checkForCycle is true, the function throws an exception if // it detects a cycle friend void dfs(graph& g, list& dfsList); // depth-first search. dfsList contains all the graph vertices in the // reverse order of their finishing times friend void topologicalSort(graph& g, list& tlist); // find a topological sort of an acyclic graph friend graph transpose(graph& g); // return the transpose of the graph friend void strongComponents(graph& g, vector >& component); // find the strong components of the graph */ private: typedef map vertexMap; vertexMap vtxMap; // store vertex in a map with its name as the key and the index // of the corresponding vertexInfo object in the vInfo // vector as the value vector > vInfo; // list of vertexInfo objects corresponding to the vertices int numVertices; int numEdges; // current size (vertices and edges) of the graph stack availStack; // availability stack for storing unused indices in vInfo int getvInfoIndex(const T& v) const; // uses vtxMap to obtain the index of v in vInfo }; // uses vtxMap to obtain the index of v in vInfo template int graph::getvInfoIndex(const T& v) const { // iter used in map lookup vertexMap::const_iterator iter; // index that is returned int pos; // find the map entry with key v iter = vtxMap.find(v); // make sure v is in the map if (iter == vtxMap.end()) pos = -1; else // the index into vInfo is the value of the map entry pos = (*iter).second; return pos; } // constructor. initialize numVertices and numEdges to 0 template graph::graph(): numVertices(0), numEdges(0) {} // copy constructor template graph::graph(const graph& g) { *this = g; // copy g to current object } // overloaded assignment operator template graph& graph::operator= (const graph& rhs) { vertexMap::iterator mi; // can't copy a graph to itself if (this == &rhs) return *this; // copy rhs to current object vtxMap = rhs.vtxMap; vInfo = rhs.vInfo; numVertices = rhs.numVertices; numEdges = rhs.numEdges; availStack = rhs.availStack; // update each vtxMapLoc value of objects in vInfo so it points // to a key-value pair in the copy of rhs.vtxMap and not rhs.vtxMap for (mi=vtxMap.begin();mi != vtxMap.end();mi++) vInfo[(*mi).second].vtxMapLoc = mi; return *this; } // ATTRIBUTE TESTING FUNCTIONS template int graph::numberOfVertices() const { return numVertices; } template int graph::numberOfEdges() const { return numEdges; } template bool graph::empty() const { return numVertices == 0; } // ACCESS MEMBER FUNCTIONS // return the weight of the edge (v1, v2). if the edge // does not exist, return -1 template int graph::getWeight(const T& v1, const T& v2) const { // find the vInfo indices for the two vertices int pos1=getvInfoIndex(v1), pos2=getvInfoIndex(v2); // check for an error if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 == -1) // if v1 or v2 not in list of vertices, throw an exception throw graphError("graph getWeight(): vertex not in the graph"); // construct an alias for the edge list in vInfo[pos1] const set& edgeSet = vInfo[pos1].edges; set::const_iterator setIter; // search for pos2 in the edge list and return its weight // if found; otherwise, return -1 to indicate that the // edge does not exist if ((setIter = edgeSet.find(neighbor(pos2))) != edgeSet.end()) return (*setIter).weight; else return -1; } template void graph::setWeight(const T& v1, const T& v2, int w) { // find the vInfo indices for the two vertices int pos1=getvInfoIndex(v1), pos2=getvInfoIndex(v2); // check for an error if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 == -1) // if v1 or v2 not in list of vertices, throw an exception throw graphError("graph setWeight(): vertex not in the graph"); // construct an alias for the edge list in vInfo[pos1] set& edgeSet = vInfo[pos1].edges; set::iterator setIter; // search for pos2 in the edge list and update its weight. // if the edge does not exist, throw an exception if ((setIter = edgeSet.find(neighbor(pos2))) != edgeSet.end()) (*setIter).weight = w; else throw graphError("graph setWeight(): edge not in the graph"); } // return the number of edges entering v template int graph::inDegree(const T& v) const { // find the vInfo index for v int pos=getvInfoIndex(v); if (pos != -1) // in-degree is stored in vInfo[pos] return vInfo[pos].inDegree; else // throw an exception throw graphError("graph inDegree(): vertex not in the graph"); } // return the number of edges leaving v template int graph::outDegree(const T& v) const { // find the vInfo index for v int pos=getvInfoIndex(v); if (pos != -1) // out-degree is number of elements in the edge set return vInfo[pos].edges.size(); else // throw an exception throw graphError("graph outDegree(): vertex not in the graph"); } // return the list of all adjacent vertices template set graph::getNeighbors(const T& v) const { // set returned set adjVertices; // obtain the position of v from the map int pos = getvInfoIndex(v); // if v not in list of vertices, throw an exception if (pos == -1) throw graphError("graph getNeighbors(): vertex not in the graph"); // construct an alias for the set of edges in vertex pos const set& edgeSet = vInfo[pos].edges; // use setIter to traverse the edge set set::const_iterator setIter; // index of vertexInfo object corresponding to an adjacent vertex int aPos; for (setIter=edgeSet.begin(); setIter != edgeSet.end(); setIter++) { // "(*setIter).dest" is index into vInfo aPos = (*setIter).dest; // insert vertex data into a set. vInfo[aPos].vtxMapLoc" // is a map iterator. dereference it to access the vertex adjVertices.insert ((*vInfo[aPos].vtxMapLoc).first); } return adjVertices; } // GRAPH MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS // add the edge (v1,v2) with specified weight to the graph template void graph::insertEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2, int w) { // obtain the vInfo indices int pos1=getvInfoIndex(v1), pos2=getvInfoIndex(v2); // check for an error if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 == -1) // if v1 or v2 not in list of vertices, throw an exception throw graphError("graph insertEdge(): vertex not in the graph"); else if (pos1 == pos2) // we do not allow self-loops throw graphError("graph insertEdge(): self-loops are not allowed"); // attempt to insert edge (pos2,w) into the edge set of vertex pos1 pair::iterator, bool> result = vInfo[pos1].edges.insert(neighbor(pos2,w)); // make sure edge was not already in the set if (result.second) { // increment the number of edges numEdges++; // the in-degree of v2 is one more vInfo[pos2].inDegree++; } } // insert v into the graph template void graph::insertVertex(const T& v) { int index; // attempt to insert v into the map with index 0. // if successful, insert an iterator pointing at it // into the vertex list at location index. index is obtained // from the availability stack or by creating a new entry // at the back of the vector. fix the map entry to refer // to index and increment numVertices. if the insertion did // not take place, the vertex already exists. generate an // exception pair result = vtxMap.insert(vertexMap::value_type(v,0)); if (result.second) { // see if there is an entry in vInfo freed by an earlier // call to eraseVertex() if (!availStack.empty()) { // yes. get its index index = availStack.top(); availStack.pop(); // call to constructor builds a empty edge set vInfo[index] = vertexInfo(result.first); } else { // no. we'll have to increase the size of vInfo vInfo.push_back(vertexInfo(result.first)); index = numVertices; } (*result.first).second = index; numVertices++; } else throw graphError("graph insertVertex(): vertex already in the graph"); } // erase edge (v1,v2) from the graph template void graph::eraseEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2) { // obtain the indices of v1 and v2 in vInfo int pos1=getvInfoIndex(v1), pos2=getvInfoIndex(v2); // check for an error if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 == -1) // if v1 or v2 not in list of vertices, throw an exception throw graphError("graph eraseEdge(): vertex not in the graph"); // construct an alias to the edge set of vInfo[pos1] set& edgeSet = vInfo[pos1].edges; set::iterator setIter; // search for pos2 in the edge set setIter = edgeSet.find(neighbor(pos2)); // if pos2 is in the set, erase it; otherwise, output an // error message if (setIter != edgeSet.end()) { edgeSet.erase(setIter); // the in-degree of v2 is one less vInfo[pos2].inDegree--; numEdges--; } else throw graphError("graph eraseEdge(): edge not in the graph"); } template void graph::eraseVertex(const T& v) { // use to search for and remove v from the map vertexMap::iterator mIter; // pos is index of v in the vertex list int pos, j; // used in removal of edges to v set::iterator sIter; // search the map for the key v mIter = vtxMap.find(v); // if vertex is not present, terminate the erase if (mIter == vtxMap.end()) // if v not in list of vertices, throw an exception throw graphError("graph eraseVertex(): vertex not in the graph"); // obtain the index of v in vInfo pos = (*mIter).second; // erase vertex from the map and decrement number of vertices vtxMap.erase(mIter); numVertices--; // mark the vertex entry in vInfo as not occupied. the index pos is now // available. push it on the availability stack for use later if we // insert a vertex vInfo[pos].occupied = false; availStack.push(pos); // cycle through vInfo and remove all edges going to v for (j=0; j < vInfo.size(); j++) // skip all unoccupied entries, including pos if (vInfo[j].occupied) { // construct an alias for the set vInfo[j].edges set& edgeSet = vInfo[j].edges; sIter = edgeSet.begin(); // cycle through the edge set while (sIter != edgeSet.end()) if ((*sIter).dest == pos) { // found pos. remove it from the set and // decrement the edge count edgeSet.erase(sIter); numEdges--; break; } else // took no action. just move forward sIter++; } // decrement numEdges by the number of edges for vertex v numEdges -= vInfo[pos].edges.size(); // the in-degree for all of v's neighbors must be decreased by 1 set& edgesFromv = vInfo[pos].edges; for (sIter=edgesFromv.begin(); sIter != edgesFromv.end(); sIter++) { j = (*sIter).dest; vInfo[j].inDegree--; } // clear the edge set. construct an alias for vInfo[pos].edges // and use erase to clear the set set& edgeSet = vInfo[pos].edges; edgeSet.erase(edgeSet.begin(), edgeSet.end()); } // erase the graph template void graph::clear() { // clear the vertex list, vertex map and the // availability stack vInfo.erase(vInfo.begin(), vInfo.end()); vtxMap.erase(vtxMap.begin(), vtxMap.end()); while(!availStack.empty()) availStack.pop(); // set the number of vertices and edges to 0 numVertices = 0; numEdges = 0; } // ITERATOR FUNCTIONS // each graph iterator function returns // the corresponding map iterator template graph::iterator graph::begin() { return graph::iterator(vtxMap.begin()); } template graph::iterator graph::end() { return graph::iterator(vtxMap.end()); } template graph::const_iterator graph::begin() const { return graph::iterator(vtxMap.begin()); } template graph::const_iterator graph::end() const { return graph::iterator(vtxMap.end()); } #endif // GRAPH_CLASS