Project Effort Homepage

ESS Homepage

HHP Homepage

UNCG Homepage


Club Membership

• Ongoing membership through expanding the program to middle school, and high school
• Limited numbers.

•T-shirts, newsletters, bulletin board.

Leadership opportunities.


• Teaching the responsibility goals through awareness talks and reflection sheets.
• Focusing on skill development and independent practice time are ways to emphasize effort and self-direction.
• Providing peer coaching opportunities and having special rules, like all-touch, soft defense, are ways to emphasize helping others.


• Emphasizing that participation is the choice of the child.
• Providing opportunities for choices, input, and problem solving. To be effective, at least some suggestions must be taken.
• Evaluation of their performance during reflection time and on the reflection sheets is their responsibility.
• Management is their responsibility too. Negotiating and positive dialogue are often used when serious conflicts occur. Contractual escalation is used for more serious misbehaviors.

Caring Environment

• We have large number of caring adults in the gym. There are six staff members and several volunteers. A mentor works with each club member at his/her at school.
• Praise, empathy, and affirmation of their decisions are used to create a positive environment. Comment cards are used to provide positive feedback regarding their reflection sheets and performance at the club.
• Special events include basketball games, swimming, ice skating