UNC Greensboro

Furry Best Friends Bring Smiles at UNCG

Odin the UNCG police comfort dog wears a tie at a career fair.

Some of UNCG’s most familiar faces walk on four legs. Dogs on comfort duty, library visitors, and professors’ beloved pets are always a welcome sight to students.

UNCG Carves Out Spooky Spaces and Pumpkin Faces

Two students from the UNCG Strong Residential College show off their winning jack-o-lantern.

Students break out the costume while faculty and staff stock up on bags of treats to hand out. At UNCG, the Halloween parties, trick or treating, and other events start long before October 31.

Paths to a More Walkable UNCG Campus

Side-by-side comparison of College Ave a hundred years apart.

College is a journey, not a destination. Sometimes, that journey encompasses the stroll from lunch to class to the library for studying. Nestled within a bustling hub in the center of North Carolina, UNCG has grown alongside Greensboro. Here’s how campus transformed into a space that accommodates 18,000 students.

New Favorite Outdoor Spots at UNCG

Students chat while one swings and the other climbs a branch of a giant magnolia tree in UNCG Foust Park.

Students have settled into their dorms and figured out their class schedules. But it’s just as important for them to decide where they spend their leisure time. UNCG offers many outdoor spots that promote a healthy routine, mental well-being, or just enjoying the crisp fall air.

What’s New at the G

A new student to UNCG holding a daisy talks with Spiro the mascot.

It’s a big year for change at UNCG. There are new restaurants, new technology in residence halls, and new leadership to help all students embrace every opportunity as a Spartan.