Campus recognized as Bicycle Friendly

Posted on April 06, 2023

A student gets maintenance done on his bike.

The League of American Bicyclists, the premier grassroots advocacy organization encouraging better bicycling and protecting the rights of people who bike, has honored UNC Greensboro with a Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly University award in recognition of the institution’s achievements in promoting and enabling safe, accessible bicycling on campus.

“I am pleased to celebrate 37 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities joining the movement to build a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone,” said Bill Nesper, executive director of the League of American Bicyclists. “Bicycle Friendly Universities, like UNCG, offer a far more holistic experience of campus life for students, faculty and staff by implementing policies, programs and infrastructure improvements that make for safer and easier car-free commutes, healthier lives through increased physical activity, and a campus community more connected to its surroundings.”

The Bicycle Friendly University program now includes 221 colleges and universities in 47 states and the District of Columbia. It is part of the League’s Bicycle Friendly America program, which also awards communities and businesses with certifications as part of its mission to make bicycling safe, comfortable and more accessible for all.   

“This round of Bicycle Friendly Universities demonstrates an inspiring shift in focus from driving to biking and walking on campus,” said the League’s Bicycle Friendly America program director, Amelia Neptune. “What’s clear is that making bicycling a go-to transportation option is part of the solution many colleges and universities are using to better the campus life of their communities and we are grateful to have so many partners in our effort to keep the bike boom rolling!”

The League particularly highlighted UNC Greensboro’s partnership with the City of Greensboro to narrow Josephine Boyd Boulevard and improve the crosswalk at Walker Avenue, which has helped slow traffic and increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety. UNCG was also recognized for its innovative mobile app and its inclusion of a one-stop shop for campus sustainability initiatives, which links to resources for biking on campus and in the city.

“In 2011, UNCG was the first university in North Carolina to receive a Bicycle Friendly designation from the League of American Bicyclist and we are proud to renew that certification again,” said Sean MacInnes, UNCG sustainability specialist. “The fact that bicycles are so prevalent at UNCG points to how easy and safe it is to ride on campus and how much our students and employees not only enjoy them, but use them for transportation.”

As UNC Greensboro continues to improve its campus accessibility by bike, it will have access to a variety of free tools, a library of resources, and technical assistance from the League to become even more welcoming to people who bike. Bicycles are the great socioeconomic equalizer. When colleges and universities invest in the comfort and safety of people bicycling, great things happen, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced healthcare costs, and increased community connections. 

Students cross the bridge to the music building.

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