The Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Policy workgroup has begun meetings to update and refine the campus PTR policy to align with system policy 400.3.3 and accompanying regulation 400.3.3.1 [R]. This university workgroup will seek your input as the process unfolds, making recommendations, and drafting a refreshed plan to present to campus in Fall 2024.
Campus feedback on the draft will inform a final plan submitted to Chancellor Gilliam. Members were selected from a large pool of excellent nominees submitted by Deans. They represent a wide range of skills, experiences, and constituencies. Please thank them for taking on this important role to serve our faculty in the PTR process.
PTR Workgroup Members:
- Joy Bhadbury, Professor of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Mitch Croatt, Department Head of Chemistry & Biochemistry and the Marie Foscue Rourk Distinguished Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
- Randy McMullen, Professor of Theatre and Scene Designer, College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Randy Schmitz, Professor of Kinesiology, Health and Human Sciences
- Amy Harris Houk, Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning, University Libraries
- Pamelya Rowsey, Department Chair for Professional Nursing Education & Eloise R. Lewis Excellence Professor, School of Nursing
- Melody Patterson Zoch, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Higher Education, School of Education
- Randy Penfield, Dean, School of Education (Co-Chair)
- Eric Willie, Professor, School of Music (Co-Chair)