Dr. Nikhil Mehta

Associate Professor

Information Systems and Supply Chain Management

Email Address: n_mehta@uncg.edu

Phone: 336.334.4992


Nikhil Mehta is an Associate Professor of Information Systems (IS) in Bryan School of Business and Economics at University of North Carolina Greensboro. Nikhil has a Ph.D. in Management of Information Technology and Innovation from Auburn University. His research interests include socio-technical aspects of IS development, socio-behavioral impacts of IS, IS success, and strategic management of IS. His research has been published or is forthcoming in leading journals, such as the Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Management, Decision Sciences, Journal of Information Technology, Information & Management, MIS Quarterly Executive, Journal of Business Research, Communications of the ACM, and presented at conferences worldwide. 


  • 2006       Ph. D. in Management of Information Technology and Innovation (MITI)
    Department of Management, College of Business, Auburn University, Alabama
  • 2006    M.S. (MIS)
    Department of Management, College of Business, Auburn University, Alabama
  • 1996    M.B.A. (Marketing)
    Department of Business Administration, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India
  • 1994    B.A. with Honors (Psychology)
    University College, Maharshi Dayanand University, Haryana, India



  1. Huang, Z., Palvia, P., and Mehta, N. (2023). Social-Media Discontinuance: The Salient Roles of Dark Side and Regret. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 25(1), 28-57.
  2. Oguz, A., Mehta, N., and Palvia, P. (2022). Cyberbullying in Workplace: A Novel Framework of Routine Activities and Organizational Control. Internet Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-05-2021-0288
  3. Mehta, A. Mehta, N., and Bindal, I. (2022). Maximizing Integrative Learning in Software Development Teams: A Systematic Review of Key Drivers and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Systems and Software, 190, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2022.111345.
  4. Mehta, N., Jack, E., Bradley, R., and Chauhan, S. (2022). Complementary and Substitutive Role of Information Technology in Relationship Between Project Characteristics and Knowledge Integration in Software Development Teams. Information Systems Management, 40(1), 47-69.
  5. Mehta, N., Chauhan, S., and Kaur, I. (2021). Extending the Story of IS Success: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Contingency Factors at Individual and Organizational-Levels. European Journal of Information Systems, DOI: 10.1080/0960085X.2021.1907233.
  6. Mehta, N., Mehta, A., Hassan, Y., Buttner, H., and RoyChowdhury, S. (2021). Choices in CDO Appointment and Firm Performance: Moving Toward a Stakeholder-Based Approach, Journal of Business Research, 134, 233-251.
  7. Almalki, A., Gokaraju, B., Mehta, N., and Doss, D. (2021). Geospatial and Machine Learning Regression Techniques for Analyzing Food Access impact on Health Issues in Sustainable Communities. International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(11), 745.
  8. Mehta, N., Chauhan, S., Gupta, P., and Jaiswal, M. (2021). Pursuing Digital Learning Platform Success: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of User and Cultural Contingencies. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48(1), 34.
  9. Xie, W., Mehta, N., and Palvia, P. (2020). Value Co-creation Dimensions and Challenges in EHR Systems. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 22(3), 188-215.
  10. Dissanayake, I., Mehta, N., Taras, V., Palvia, P., and Amoako-Gyampah, K. (2019). Competition Matters! Self-Efficacy, Effort, and Performance in Crowdsourcing Teams. Information & Management, 56(8), 103158.
  11. Chauhan, S., Gupta, P., Jaiswal, M. P., Goyal, S., and Mehta, N. (2022). An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Adoption of C2C Auction Marketplaces. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 40(1), 117-136.
  12. Mehta, A. and Mehta, N. (2018). Team Knowledge Integration and Team Effectiveness: A Team Goal Orientation Approach. Decision Sciences, 49(3), 445-486.
  13. Mehta, A. and Mehta, N. (2017). Moving Towards an Integrated Framework of IT-Outsourcing Success. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 20(3), 171-194.
  14. Mehta, N., and Bharadwaj, A. (2015). Knowledge Integration in Outsourced Software Development: The Role of Sentry and Guard Processes. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(1), 82-115.
  15. Mehta, N., Hall, D., and Byrd, T. (2014). Information Technology and Knowledge in Software Development Teams: The Role of Project Uncertainty. Information & Management, 51(4), 417-429.
  16. Pridmore, J., Bradley, R., and Mehta, N. (2010). Methods of Instruction and Learning Outcomes: A Theoretical Analysis of Two Approaches in an Introductory Information Technology Course. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 8(2), 289-311.
  17. Mehta, N., and Mehta, A. (2010). It Takes Two to Tango: How Relational Investments Improve IT-Outsourcing Relationships. Communications of the ACM, 53(2), 160-164.
  18. Mehta, N. and Mehta, A. (2009). Human Resource Challenges Facing IT-Outsourcing Vendors: Can Client-Vendor Collaborations Help? MISQ Executive, 8(4), 191-201.
  19. Mehta, A., Field, H., Armenakis, A., and Mehta, N. (2009). Team Goal Orientation and Team Performance: The Mediation of Team Planning. Journal of Management, 35(4), 1026-1046.
  20. Furner, C, Mason, R., Mehta, N., Munyon, T., and Zinko, R. (2009). Cultural Determinants of Learning Effectiveness from Knowledge Management Systems: A Multinational Investigation. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 12(1), 30-51.
  21. Mehta, N. (2008). Successful Knowledge Management Implementation in Global Software Companies. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(2), 42-56.
  22. Mehta, N., Oswald, S., and Mehta, A. (2007). Infosys Technologies Ltd.: Improving Organizational Knowledge Flows, Journal of Information Technology, 22, 456-464.
  23. Mehta, N. (2007). The Value Creation Cycle: Moving Towards a Framework for Knowledge Management Implementation. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 5(2), 126-135.
  24. Moss, A., Benjamin, C., and Mehta, N. (2007). Strategic IT Outsourcing: Opportunities and Challenges for the Pharmaceutical Industry. International Journal of Business Strategy, 7(3), 86-94.
  25. Mehta, A., Armenakis, A., Mehta, N. and Irani, F. (2006). Challenges and Opportunities of Business Process Outsourcing in India. Journal of Labor Research, 27(3), 291-304.\


  1. Mehta, N. (2023) An Interview with David Schwab,VP of Enterprise Technology at VF Corporation, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 26:1, 77-79, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2023.2167562
  2. Mehta, N. (2022) Industry Interview with Geoff Lawson, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 25:3, 257-259, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2022.2098573
  3. Mehta, N. (2021) An Interview with Steve Horsley, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 24:4, 319-320, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2021.2000097


Mehta, N. (2009). Knowledge Integration in Software Teams: Tackling Critical Issues,
VDM Verlag, Germany.
