Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-1996
M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-1991
B.A. University of Georgia-1989
Selected Pubications
- The Real South: Southern Narrative in the Age of Cultural Reproduction. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 2008.
- Introduction. The Southerner: A Novel, by Walter Hines Page. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2008. ix-xli.
- “Orphans All: Reality Homesickness in Yonder Stands Your Orphan. Revisioning Barry Hannah.” Ed. Martyn Bone. Jackson: U P of Mississippi, 2007. 161-82.
- “Thomas Dixon and the Literary Production of Whiteness.” Thomas Dixon and the Birth of Modern America. Ed. Michele K. Gillespie and Randal L. Hall. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 2006. 124-50.
- “Things Falling Apart: The Postcolonial Condition of Red Rock and The Leopard’s Spots.” Look Away!: The U.S. South in New World Studies. Ed. Jon Smith and Deborah N. Cohn. Durham: Duke U P, 2004. 175-200.
- The Narrative Forms of Southern Community. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 1999.
Dr. Romine is working on a project on the literature of Reconstruction.
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