Meet Keisha Brown, new principal of the Middle College at UNCG

Posted on September 03, 2019

woman standing by railing inside school

Keisha Brown comes to the Middle College at UNCG with a broad knowledge of students’ developmental stages, from kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Previously, she served as principal of Swann Middle, as principal of Vandalia Elementary, and as Ben L. Smith High School assistant principal, as well as assistant principal at Summerfield Elementary and Burlington-Cummings High. The variety of experience helps her every day, because Brown believes developmental stages matter in every part of life to every part of life.

She chose the middle college at this time in her career because she wanted to become principal at a high school, and she believes this particular position will give her the greatest ability to directly and deeply influence the lives of students.

She also knows the bar is high. She admires the work of the previous and inaugural principal Angela Polk-Jones.

“I know how hard it is to work at school – blood, sweat, and tears – and then when you leave that school you want it to remain at the level it is and get higher,” she says. “I wanted to be a part of something that is already great and keep it growing.”

She plans to uphold the standard of making sure every student is college and career-ready, and to give them a health science focus. Middle College at UNCG students have the opportunity to take college classes, but also to gain exposure to the professional world through off-campus professional internships.

At the same time, they receive an education that fits their needs. It’s important to Brown and the school’s faculty that students feel balanced.

“We need to make sure that alongside the academic achievement, the social-emotional piece is there. We’ll work on self-awareness and self-evaluation so students can make good decisions in planning their academic paths,” she says.

Hearing directly from the students, and from their parents, through conversations and surveys is also part of Brown’s plan to make sure she has a connection with every student at the Middle College at UNCG.

About the new experience of working on UNCG’s campus she says: “I love it. There’s resources everywhere you turn, and you see different people all the time.”

When Brown grabs a cup of coffee or lunch at the EUC, she enjoys running into UNCG faculty and staff who see her GCS badge and ask her about what she does. She’s looking forward to getting more acquainted with faculty and staff across campus, especially so she can be on the lookout for ways to collaborate with them.

“I’d like people to know: we’re here! Drop by,” she says. “Think about us when you’re planning – know that we’re here and we’d love to partner with you and your students. Think of our students for opportunities.”

By Susan Kirby-Smith
Photography by Martin W. Kane


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