Danford Black Crosby
Early Danfords
Early Crosbys

Family Tree

Isaiah Danford

Isaac Crow
Mary Amanda Calvert
James Black
Eliza Brooks
David Crosby
Elizabeth Crow
  Robert James Danford Elizabeth Clara Lohmeyer Richard Clayton Danford    

Many of the pictures in the following pages were in the possession of my grandmother, Adah Elizabeth Black Danford, until her death when they passed to her daughter, Elizabeth Clara Danford Lohmeyer. The were loaned to me in 2002, and I have scanned them in the hope that the images may be better preserved by dispersal --- through electronic means --- to many members of the family. Captions are taken from the pictures where possible, and many appear to be in my grandmother's handwriting. Other pictures were in the possession of my father, William Danford.

Steve Danford
August 2003