Career Wellness is about engaging in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment–consistent with your values, goals, and lifestyle. Our Career and Professional Development office is committed to helping you set and achieve your career goals by providing career coaching, resume development, and invaluable career guidance. Learn how Career Wellness connects with the other Dimensions of Wellness to bring balance into your life so that you can thrive, flourish and reach your goals

goals for your career wellness

  • Explore career options that align with your values, interests, and strengths.
  • Understand the relationship between your major/career choice and the other aspects of your life such as your family, friends, and leisure activities.
  • Develop effective job related skills.
  • Understand that many students change their major in college and their career directions a few times along their journey.
  • Make time to meet with a Career Coach.
  • Explore on-campus job opportunities.
  • Seek guidance and advice from your academic advisor.
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